Introducing a cat or kitten to a new environment with other pets and family members does not have to be an overwhelming experience. Cats and kittens adjust more quickly to new environments than we do. How they adjust depends largely on the characteristics of the environment and the nature and breed of the cat. For instance, kittens will adjust quicker and smoother than an older cat would, especially if its new home is busy and crowded.
Here are a few points that will help your cat or kitten transition into its new environment.
Your cat or kitten will need to have a designated space of their own, away from the daily household hustle. Your cat will need privacy, so providing a safe space for them is important. Making their sleeping area comfortable with a pillows and soft blankets will help them feel safe. You may even use something that your cat has had since before the move to provide a sense of familiarity.
Place your cat in the room and let them explore the room with you present. At this time, you will be able to bond with your cat and begin the training process. Show your new pet where its food and water is, as well as where its litter box is.
Cats will not usually sleep by their litter boxes, so it's important to place your cat's litter box across the room from their designated space. If the cat is used to a special kind of litter, try to continue using that particular band. Placing soiled litter in the box will also tell your cat where they can relieve themselves. Stores also sell catnip sprays that do the same thing. If you are going to change the litter to a different type or brand, do so slowly by mixing small amounts of the new litter to the old one.
Cats do not like eating near their litter box, so place their food and water dish as far away from the litter box as possible, such as in the opposite side of the room. Self-feeding water and dry food dispensers for cats and kittens are also available. This helps in the prevention of over feeding, and can be adjusted as your pet grows.
Allow your cat to examine everything in the room; this will help familiarize itself with the area that they will be staying. Let him look out the window and check out the furniture. If you notice your cat preparing to sleep, move him to his sleeping area; this will let him know that his designated sleeping space is in a specific spot. Also allow your cat or kitten to explore the rest of the house on its own by leaving doors cracked open; this will help further familiarize them with their new home.
Pushing your cat onto other family members or pets can be overwhelming to him. Instead, allow your cat to introduce itself on his or her own time. Do not immediately allow your cat to meet your other pets; wait until they get used to their new environment. There will be plenty of time for him to meet your other pets, and for him to learn the dynamics of the house.
It will take time for your new cat to settle into its new environment; however, with patience, love, and compassion, you and your cat will be at the start of a great relationship.