Preparing the House for Your Cat: Curtains, Cords, Carpets and Trash Cans

Preparing the House for Your Cat: Curtains, Cords, Carpets and Trash Cans

Is your house your house, or is it your cat’s house?

As animal lovers, it's safe to say that we all love our pets. When it comes to cat owners, there's an especially soft spot in our hearts for our feline friends, but let's face the facts: living with a cat isn't always easy.


Is your cat wreaking havoc in your house by climbing curtains, chewing cords, sifting through trash cans, jumping on counters, or ripping carpets? If you've experienced any of these furocious activities, then this article is for you.


While much can be done to help train your cat to not damage your furniture, many measures can be taken to proof your living space from damage.

Here are some tips for proofing your house for damage from your cats.


To us, curtains may just look like - well, curtains, - but our cats may see them as something entirely different, such as an enticing climbing or scratching post. It's not surprising, then, that cats will often jump onto and ruin our curtains. Tension rods can be used to withstand the weight of your cat. This will help ensure that your curtain fixture does not fall if your cat attempts to jump onto it. Alternatively, for drapes that hang on rods that are secured to the wall, intentionally and loosely thread them on the rod. When your cat attempts to climb onto them, the drapes will fall - this may help discourage your cat from trying to play on the curtains again. Once you're confident that your cat is no longer interested in your curtains, you can secure your drapes onto the rods in a more permanent fashion.

You may also consider the use of vertical or horizontal blinds in the place of curtains or drapes. These alternatives are usually made of plastic. The smooth surfaces of blinds make it difficult for cats to climb onto them. Instead, and even more preferably, your cat will be able to move the slats of the blinds and watch the outside world through your window without causing any accidents, as it probably would with curtains.


Cords and wires can also be playfully enticing to cats, but this can result in severe injury and should be prevented. Placing distasteful scents near these items, such as citrus, may discourage your cat from chewing or scratching. Bitter sprays sold at local pet stores may also help with this. Hardware stores usually provide molding meant for covering wires and cords. Covering wires with duct tape can also provide a physical barrier from damage. 


Garbage cans, although full of our trash, can sometimes act as a treasure cove for your curious furry friends. Making sure your cat is on a good feeding schedule will help with curious foraging, as many pets digging through the trash are simply just hungry. Additionally, much of what we dispose of can be toxic and harmful to our pets, so it is important to keep them from digging through the trash altogether. Opt for a trash can with a firm lid so that your cat does not have access to its contents. Place the garbage can at a spot with low visibility such as below the sink. You know what they say, out of sight, out of mind.

Even with all of this preventive preparation, let's face it: pets will occasionally get into the trash and consume something that may cause an upset stomach, characterized by vomiting, diarrhea and / or loss of appetite. In the event you are unable to bring your pet to your veterinarian, consider our OTC Anti-Diarrhea for dogs and cats to help with runny stool. If signs persist, or if you suspect your cat has ingested an object or food item that may be harmful or toxic to them, contact your veterinarian right away.



For cats that like to jump onto counters, use items that produce a lot of noise when touched, keeping in mind that cats dislike startling loud noises. Odd utensils, such as aluminum cans filled with pennies, can be placed on the edge of the counter so that it will startle your cat when they jump onto the surface. The loud, startling noise should discourage your cat from jumping again.However, it is important to not use objects that may be harmful to your cat. Always supervise your cat when using these techniques.


One of the most common household items that our feline friends love to scratch is the carpet. Provide your cat with alternatives, such as scratching posts designed specifically for cats. These are much more affordable than replacing a ruined carpet or rug and, with the proper training, are much safer for your cats to use. You can also use citrus or bitter sprays to deter your pet from scratching the carpet or rug. Regular nail trims for indoor cats can also help minimize damage to furniture fabrics.


To us, every day items like curtains, rugs or wires pose no issues to us, but for our feline friends, they can be an unfortunate source of entertainment. By taking the proper preventive measures, you can minimize damage while also contributing to a safe environment for your cat. Remember: your house is your house, and your cat can have a safe and comfortable place in your home.

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